When using the Email Account Manager, provided inside the Hepsia Web Control Panel you are able to efficiently be in charge of all of your current mailboxes, irrespective of how many sites you’ve got. You can quickly sort email accounts, trigger anti–spam, set up e–mail forwarding with merely a click and set up filters for one’s email accounts. Due to our auto–configure scripts, it will be easy to instantly set up your mail client to operate with any email address you have. And the latter is merely a little part of what our Email Account Manager can help you with.

Anti–Spam Protection

Spam will be driven out of your mail accounts

We’ve made a custom anti–spam solution which utilizes expertly designed rules to filter the incoming messages. Depending on what type of spam messages you have, it is easy to regulate the levels of defense. Still, be cautious when using the higher level of defense, since it is likely to filter important messages. Additionally, you can state an alternative degree of spam protection for every single mailbox you have.

All of the spam messages could be either erased or sent to a pre–selected mailbox. You can decide which configuration you like from the anti–spam protection tool’s software.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

Direct messages from a single e–mail account to another

We have managed to get it really simple for you to forward email messages from a mailbox to a different one in your cloud website hosting account. Everything you need to do is pick the email account you want to forward and afterwards fill in the destination mailbox where you would like all of the messages to be sent to.

You may as well enable a duplicate of each forwarded message to be kept in the email account which you have got forwarded.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Put your email address in order

Using the Email Account Manager of your Web Control Panel, it really is simple to create completely new e–mail filters. All you should do is specify the key words that will be applied to filter messages and exactly where the filter has to look for them (subject, body, etc.) and then choose the action which will be applied to the filtered e–mail messages.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys as well as SPF security for your personal mailbox

Protection is truly one of Net Host Buzz’s main priorities. Including your e–mail messages. All mailboxes are safeguarded automatically by DomainKeys, a solution also applied by AOL, Yahoo and Google. It shows a fairly easy approach to connect the sender’s site to the email message.

SPF (anti–spoofing) protection can be described as a service which can affect virtually all email accounts under a specified domain name. It acts to prevent ’email forging’ – in other words sending e–mails from a email address not made on your server.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Option

Easy PC e–mail configuration

With the auto–configure feature of the Email Account Manager, you can actually configure email accounts within your preferred desktop e–mail client with just a a mouse–click. Simply click on the symbol belonging to the mail client that you would like to employ for the selected mailbox and get hold of its auto–configuration file. This will automatically configure your mailbox within your favored desktop client.

We’ve included settings files for just about the most common email clients – Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and Mac Mail.

Hepsia File Manager


Connect to your email address using an Internet browser

Using the webmail tool included in the Web Control Panel, you can access your e–mail accounts through every Internet–connected gadget in the world! Making use of the webmail address which we provide you, you can actually log into all of your e–mail accounts created with Net Host Buzz’s servers with the help of any browser you have at hand.

There is also an alternative way to gain access to your email accounts online. Just log into the Web Control Panel and in the webmail section, opt for the mailbox you intend to get into and then click the RoundCube icon. This will at once log you into your e–mail without the need to share any kind of login info.

Hepsia File Manager